Wednesday, January 1, 2014

December 2013 "Echo" Article

The New Energy Paradigm by Peter Allen

The year 2014 marks the beginning of a new era in human history.
In May of 2013 the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in Mauna Loa, Hawaii, recorded a concentration of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere in excess of 400 parts per million (ppm). NOAA has set 350ppm as the upper safe limit for atmospheric CO2 concentration. During at least the last 400,000 years before the industrial revolution in the 19th century the concentration of atmospheric CO2 has never exceeded 300ppm. CO2 fluctuated between 180ppm during ice ages to 280ppm during warm periods. The rate of increase going on now is 100 times faster than the increase at the end of the last ice age.

And that rate is itself increasing.

The Vostock research station in the antarctic has tied the rise and fall of CO2 to global temperature and sea levels, a relationship that has remained consistent over 400,000 years. Given that China and India alone build 4 new coal-fired power plants every week, and the burning of fossil fuels accounts for better than 90% of human-generated CO2, we must consider that planet Earth has now entered a “Mayday” scenario.

At the present rate of increase the CO2 concentration will be 550ppm by the year 2050. Exactly what this will mean is unknown since the condition is unprecedented. However we can expect to see even more severe storm and weather patterns as well as rising ocean levels. The air quality in some of China’s cities is already two to three times worse than what are considered dangerous levels by the WHO and EPA.

Now, with hydrofracking being used to extract natural gas from shale deposits, aquifers all around the world are being poisoned with million of gallons of highly toxic mixtures forced miles into the earth. These mixtures are deemed “proprietary” but the EPA was still able to tie poisoned drinking water to fracking wells in Pavillion, Wyoming in a study released December 8, 2011.
We only have to watch the news to know the effect offshore drilling for oil and tanker spills are having on our oceans.

 If our drinking water, oceans and air are being destroyed by the fossil fuel industry, we have a moral obligation to ourselves and future generations to replace that industry with a clean-energy alternative. We are all familiar with solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal energy. There is, however, a superior alternative even to these clean energy systems, one that would revolutionize not only our energy industry, but our global financial structure as well. In addition, we will become true intergalactic citizens because this energy is available everywhere in space, all the time, in infinite amounts.

We know through very precise experiments in physics that the energy exists, and remarkably enough we know how to tap into this field. We are speaking of what physicists might call dark energy, popularly known as zero point energy. So named because in Hendrik Casimer’s 1947 experiment the temperature of a vacuum was reduced to nearly absolute zero (-459.67 degrees F), a condition in which conventional science would expect to find no energy. But not only was there energy present, when it was finally able to be measured in 1997 the result was mind boggling. The energy density of the vacuum was 10 followed by 93 zeros joules per cubic centimeter. That’s enough energy in a sugar-cube sized amount of space to run everything on earth until the sun burns out and still have plenty left over. All the matter in the visible universe would not produce that much energy if it were possible to convert it.

You may well wonder why are we then not resetting the course of mankind to avail ourselves of this energy -- free, infinitely abundant, and non-polluting. The answer to that question lies in the hearts of those for whom money and power are pre-eminent goals, their value trumping all others. That story will be told another time. For now I want to begin to educate the non-physicists among us through an understanding of the beautiful sacred geometric structure of our universe, the structure of space as taught by R. Buckminster Fuller, and a number system of simple single-digit numbers that unlocks the mystery of energy.

 I will be presenting an examination of these and other principles in my talk in January at the Chrysalis group. There will also be an opportunity to join with others who believe this is the course humanity should now take. If you are not able to attend, you may contact me directly. In closing this short essay I would like to encourage all interested readers to visit Dr. Steven Greer’s website -- -- and support his important work. Dr. Greer has pledged to use all proceeds from his film, “Sirius”, to build a zero point energy research center in Charlottesville.

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