Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Resource Material
Sacred Geometry, Free Energy, Health, 
Ascension, Green Alternatives

Free Energy
Marko Rodin -- Web Sites -- Introduction to the work of Marko Rodin, founder of vortex-
          based math -- Links to videos on vortex-based math -- Potential scope of the Rodin technology. Intro to Randy Powell

General Information/Research -- Web Sites -- The most complete compilation of information on free energy and related 
          topics. -- Website of astrologer Nick Anthony Fiorenza. Excellent source for 
          understanding both the physical and spiritual dynamics of the precession and other cosmic
          processes -- Stephen Greer. Leading  person in the field of UFO studies -- Stephen Greer. Dr. Greer has championed free energy for decades. 
          With the proceeds from his film, “Sirius”, he vows to build a free-energy research center in    
          Charlottesville. -- Free energy research, all the latest information -- Methernitha, a spiritual community in Switzerland that 
          has run on free energy for over 30 years -- A company founded by Austrian engineer Wilhelm Mohorn in 1985. They have 
          dried out over 40,000 damp basements using devices that run on Zero Point Energy -- Eugene F. Mallove. Founder of this magazine. Murdered after exposing 
          government corruption on national radio -- Over unity motors and related news you won’t hear on MSNBC -- Trinity Point, in Churchville, VA, is one of the major sacred sites on the 
          planet. Scheduled events announced through Critical Mass Coalition at 
 -- Over unity motors that work -- Nassim Haramein. Developed a theory of universe based on work by Bucky Fuller -- Facts and figures that add up to global immunity for big energy -- Why reliance on fossil fuel is economically unsustainable -- The big picture on fossil fuel future
          Discovered facts covered up about the ”Titanic” disaster. 52-minute video -- Zero Point Energy explained.
          science for those with a science background -- David Wilcock. Get up to speed with all the latest in meta-physics -- Practical energy-saving methods and devices -- W. T. Keshe, Iranian physicist has free energy device ready for 2014
          Keshe, links, US position on his technology -- Judy Beebe. Technology given in a series of visions. Free energy from 
          water -- Website for John Hutchison, famous for the “Hutchison Effect” where objects 
          levitate and metals are transmuted -- Investigates the work of Ed Leedskalnin, architect and builder of Coral Castle in 
          Homestead, FL. Lifted into place enormous blocks of coral weighing many tons by himself -- Tom Bearden. Over-unity generation and Bearden’s MEG (Motionless Energy 
          Generator) -- Tom Valone. Wrote his PhD thesis on the practical uses of Free 
          Energy -- Introduction to monopole motors, free energy, magnetic fields -- Peter Lindemann. One of the foremost inventors, writers, and promoters in the  
          field of free energy. You can learn about Eric Dollard here, “The Nicola Tesla of the 21st century” -- Russ Gries. A young and talented inventor. Has replicated the experiments of   
          Ed Leedskalnin, Marko Rodin, Stanley Meyers (water-fueled car), and others. Open source work -- Viktor Schauberger, Austrian genius. Work stolen by the US Government -- Floyd “Sparky” Sweet, inventor of the vacuum triode amplifier,       
          capable of producing a million and a half times over unity -- Paul Baumann, founder of Methernitha, inventor of Testatika . -- T. Henry Moray. His Radiant Energy device was confirmed by hundreds of scientists -- Howard Johnson. Harnessed energy latent in magnets -- Alfred Hubbard. Inventor of a free-energy motor -- Foster Gamble pulls back the curtain on the great and powerful -- Trevor Constable. Confirmed results with Reich cloud busters -- Introduction to the work of Eric Dollard “the Tesla of the 21st 

You Tube
Randy Powell - Intro to Vortex Math -- Advanced concepts in Rodin Coil winding
New Discovery ... The Rodin Number Map and Rodin Coil by Greg Volk -- Rhombic dodecahedron, 4D
Floyd Sweet, Forgotten Genius
Doctor Eugene F. Mallove - Murdered after this radio interview revealing corruption at high levels
Free Energy from the Vacuum -- Tom Bearden. Inventor of the MEG (Motionless Energy Generator)
New Discovery ... The Rodin Number Map and Rodin Coil by Greg Volk
PMBO 2013 - Russ’s Final Entry Video -- This version of a Rodin Coil develops over 500,000 RPM
Dr. Steven Greer & Nassim Haramein
Phi VBM Tori Array -- Tom Barnett. Rodin math with nice video

Many fascinating and informative DVD’s are available at Tom Bearden’s website:, also Tom Valone and Peter Lindemann
Sirius -- Dr. Steven Greer. Buy this video and support the building of a free-energy research center

Alexandersson, Olof, Living Water: Viktor Schauberger and the Secrets of Natural Energy 
Coats, Callum, Living Energies: An Exposition of Concepts Related to the Theories of Viktor Schauberger
Gardiner, Robin, Titanic: The Ship that Never Sank
Malove, Eugene, Fire From Ice: Searching for the Truth Behind the Cold Fusion Furor
-----, The Quickening Universe: Cosmic Evolution and Human Destiny
Manning, Jeane and Garbon, Joel, Breakthrough Power:
-----, The Coming Energy Revolution: The Search for Free Energy
Schauberger, Viktor, Nature as Teacher: New Principles in the Working of Nature (Ecotechnology)
Advanced books on building John Bedini’s over-unity generators and the transformational breakthroughs of Eric Dollard can both be accessed at Peter Lindemann’s website:

Sacred Geometry
Web Sites -- Jain 108 discovered the hidden repeating 24-digit pattern in the 
          Fibonacci series -- Lots of good info about Phi and sacred geometry -- Drunvalo Melchizedek. One of the leading writers on the Flower of Life -- Online community and magazine founded by Drunvalo Melchizedek -- Freddy Silva. Crop circle researcher who made direct contact with circle 
          creators -- Peter Champoux. Bill Buehler. The spiritual energy matrix of North America
          work of Bill Buehler, pre-eminent authority on the Reshel Grid, largest artifact grid matrix in the 
          world -- Jackie Queally. Most knowledgeable authority on Reshel Grids in Europe. 
          Books and guided tours available -- Good introduction to Reshel Grid spiritual technology -- Introductory material, crop circles, atomic structure, more -- More good information on sacred geometry -- Introduction to Phi, the Golden Ratio -- Introduces the torus and its vast and profound implications -- Nassim Haramein. Has taken Bucky Fuller’s ideas to the next level
          Fuller’s ideas. Solves several physics riddles -- Jeremy Stride. Numerical interpretation of Ed Leedskalnin’s work with antigravity -- Student at Black Mountain College introduced Bucky Fuller to “tensegrity” -- Understanding nested Platonic solids -- Sacred geometry, sacred numbers, sacred astronomy, more -- Stan Tenen. Sacred geometry and the Hebrew language -- Dan Winter. Cornucopia of Winter’s research into Phi and heart-resonance -- Vortex math and the Fibonacci sequence

You Tube
Tacoma Narrows Bridge Collapse “Gallopin’ Gertie” -- Everything has a resonant frequency, even bridges
Phi Vortex Based Mathematics Torus Array

Brown, Allan and Michell, John, Crooked Soley: A Crop Circle Revelation
Champoux, Peter and Buehler, William Stuart, Gaia Matrix
Doczi, Gyorgy, The Power of Limits: Proportional Harmonies in Nature, Art and Architecture
Eastham, Scott, American Dreamer: Bucky Fuller and the Sacred Geometry of Nature
Edmondson, Amy C., A Fuller Explanation: The Synergic Geometry of R. Buckminster Fuller
Hemenway, Priya, The Secret Code: The Mysterious Formula that Rules Art, Nature, and Science
Lawlor, Robert, Sacred Geometry: Philosophy and Practice
Lemesurier, Peter, The Great Pyramid Decoded
Melchizedek, Drunvalo, The Ancient Secret of the Flower of Life, Vols I and II
Michell, John, The Dimensions of Paradise
-----, and Brown, Allan, How the World is Made: The Story of Creation According to Sacred Geometry
Schwaller de Lubicz, R. A., The Temple in Man: Sacred Architecture and the Perfect Man
Silva, Freddy, Secrets in the Fields: The Science and Mysticism of Crop Circles 

Advanced books on building John Bedini’s over-unity generators and the transformational breakthroughs of Eric Dollard can both be accessed at Peter Lindemann’s website:

Health-related Books
Blaylock, Russell L., MD, Excitotoxins: The Taste that KIlls
Brown, Tom, The Lakhovsky Multiple Wave Oscillator Handbook
Bryson, Christopher, The Fluoride Deception
Connett, Paul, James Beck and H. Spedding Micklem, The Case Against Fluoride
Emoto, Masaru, Love Thyself: The Message from Water III
Engdahl, William F., Seeds of Destruction: The Hidden Agenda of Genetic Manipulation
Fitzgerald, Randall, The Hundred-Year Lie
Jenny, Hans, Cymatics: A Study of Wave Phenomena
Lakhovsky, Georges and Clement, Mark, Secret of Life
Lynes, Barry, The Cancer Cure that Worked: Fifty Years of Suppression
-----, Rife’s World of Electromedicine: The Story, the Corruption, and the Promise
Murphy, Dean, The Devil’s Poison: How Fluoride is Killing You
Robin, Marie-Monique, The World According to Monsanto:
Smith, Jeffrey M., Seeds of  Deception

Health-related Web Sites -- Two DVD’s presented that chronicle the poisoning of our water by 
          hydrofracking -- Georges Lakhovsky, inventor of Multiple Wave 
          Oscillator. Proven cancer cure. Died under questionable circumstances in American hospital - Wilhelm Reich. Heavily suppressed researcher and inventor. Died in 
          jail -- Ruth Drown. Radionics pioneer. Universally 
          persecuted by establishment organizations and figureheads -- Use of Wilhelm Reich’s orgone therapy in modern practice -- Using Wilhelm Reich’s technology for weather 
          control and detoxification of the atmosphere -- Royal Rife. How his painless and effective 
          cancer cure was crushed by the fledgling AMA -- Jeff Rense gives us a sobering look at how the medical 
          establishment crushed Royal Rife -- Pyramid power. Based on extensive research by Russian scientists -- Iterates the health dangers of fluoride added to toothpaste and drinking water -- Jeremuy Seifert. Provocative and alarming film about GMO’s -- Jeff Volk. Healing with sound -- Learn everything you need to know about high-fructose corn syrup -- The Food Inc. website, how to protect yourself from industrialized food
          440 Hz is used to control and disorient most of the western world -- Royal Rife website. Tons of information -- Keep up to date with health-related news you won’t get on TV -- How the earth is being systematically destroyed and the effects 
          thereof  -- Tom Paladino. Using scalar waves for healing and free energy.
Health-related You Tube
Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills -- Learn about this dangerous and ubiquitous food additive brought to    
          you by the same folks at Monsanto who brought us Agent Orange, GMO’s, and sterile seeds
Water, Consciousness & Intent: Dr. Masau Emoto -- Purify water through conscious prayer
Cymatics experiment tonoscope 432-440Hz -- See for yourself how music has been used to disorient us
The Cosmic 432 & The Musical Conspiracy -- Jamie Buturff explains why 432Hz is the perfect tuning and 
          how it relates to the Rodin family number groups
Biophoton Therapy - Johan Boswinkel -- Similar to Royal Rife’s work, resonant frequency of pathogens
The Royal Rife Story -- Brilliant doctor and inventor crushed by the AMA
The World According to Monsanto -- Why American farmers are going bankrupt, Indian farmers are 
           committing suicide, American citizens are dying while the Food and Drug Administration stands by
Top 10 GMO Foods to Avoid

Health-related DVD’s
Food, Inc. -- Robert Kenner’s award-winning expose about the American food industry
Gasland -- Josh Fox visits people affected by hydrofracking, directly impacts northern Virginia
Gasland II -- More from Josh Fox. See this one first. Up to date reporting on hydrofracking and 
          our government’s betrayal of the people supposedly protected by the EPA
King Corn -- Aaron Woolf’s first hand look into high-fructose corn syrup, now ubiquitous food      
          additive: how it affects farmers, livestock, and you
The World According to Monsanto -- How a chemical company worked with the US Govt. to 
          become the world’s largest controller of seeds and food
Food, Inc. -- Robert Kenner’s award-winning expose about the American food industry

Nuclear Energy
Web Sites -- Harvey Waserman. Tracks nuclear power--developments and 
          disasters worldwide

You Tube
Project Camelot: Interview With MT Keshe re Fukushima

Broinowski, Richard, Fallout From Fukushima: A Much-needed Wake-up Call

Web Sites --  THE EVENT. It’s coming, the Christ consciousness.

Green Alternative 
Web Sites -- Things you can do NOW to make the world better

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