Sunday, January 26, 2014

As promised, I will continue to balance reports about end times with others that indicate the beginning of a new golden age. These reports are generally channeled from either ET or higher dimensional sources. If you find this strains their credibility for you, keep in mind that virtually every indigenous population on the planet has predicted an end times scenario to be followed by a time of higher enlightenment governed by unity consciousness. I personally believe that we are now in those times. If you are reading this blog your consciousness is probably already expanded enough to accept the existence of more highly-developed beings in our galaxy and dimensions of existence higher than what most are now experiencing. These sources all continue to offer encouragement, hope, and the promise that after our darkest hour a new age will dawn. I thank my friend Dr. Ginger Collier for the following transcription.

SaLuSa  24 January 2014

As ever time flies by and is speeding towards the times of important changes, that are the fore runners of a new period in  your history that is leaving the past behind. All proceeds as intended, and before very long you will begin to receive the proof that you have been seeking. You will be in no doubt that all along the forces for good have been working towards the changes that you have been promised, and that the New Age is upon you. Outwardly many will only see confusion and many parts of your world in turmoil. It is the final throes of the dark Ones who are now in retreat. Before long those who have been working silently for the Light will reveal themselves, and you will know that the New Age has truly begun.

Meanwhile Lightworkers are called upon to remain resilient and focused upon their work, that will ensure the Light is continuing to be empowered. For a long, long time you have sought proof of the changes that you know must come if the New Age is to get underway. That will for some time be limited until such times that it is safe for the Light to be revealed for the progress that has been made. However, there are numerous signs everywhere that the changes are speeding up, and can be found by those who are seeking in earnest. Already some souls are making themselves known for their Light work, and you may rest assured that they will be protected by us.

As the Light grows in strength so more souls will begin to awaken,  their levels of consciousness will enable them to raise their vibrations. Already we find that more people are speaking openly of their new found understanding, and there is a new eagerness to discuss what is happening upon Earth.  The awakening will continue to grow at a greater speed that will draw like souls together. Indeed, it will also create a wider gap between those of the Light and the non-believers which is to be expected. However, we do not advocate any deliberate attempts to widen it. Lightworkers will be needed more than previously, to assist those who are seeking a greater understanding of what is taking place.

Some of you have waited for a long time to act in service to your fellow travellers on the path of Light. Now that time has arrived and many will be called to fulfill their life contract. Be assured that you do not walk alone at any time, you are always accompanied by several souls who are there to serve you. So do not hesitate to call upon them when you need help. If you are searching for some indication as to what your role is to be, do not worry as when the time is right you will be left in no doubt as to what is required of you. Your role will be one that you have prepared for over many lifetimes and you will have no need to doubt your ability.

As you are aware, at these end-times much karma is coming up to be cleared, and this is one reason why so much activity is taking place. However, given time it will become less, and will be helped by bringing together many souls who hitherto have been deliberately kept apart.  The dark Ones have created many ways in which to stop you coming together as One, but that will change as it is realized how much you have in common with each other. Religion has divided people and many wars have been fought because of the different ideologies. These problems will also be overcome when the truth is made known, and it is realized that All are One.

So do not be too concerned as to how the seemingly impossible differences between you can be overcome. When the truth is given by those who have your confidence and trust, many difficulties will simply fade away. At heart most of you seek a peaceful life, and are happy to live and let live. Allowing others to choose their own path of Light will become generally accepted, and they will be able to progress as slowly or quickly as suits them. All will eventually find the Light and there are endless pathways to it.

Keep a positive approach in all you do and do not allow doubt to creep in, as the dark Ones will attempt to put you off course right up until the last minute. They will be gradually become weakened and will no longer have the ability to interfere with your progress. Slowly they having their power taken away, and are already unable to command with the authority that they once had. We are closely monitoring them, even to the point where they have no hiding place from us. There is no escape and they will be begging to no avail to avoid the consequences of their actions.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius and so pleased to help you through these periods of intense changes. Be assured that however impossible earthly situations seem, with our help they shall be overcome in short time. Whilst for karmic reasons you must tread the paths you have created for yourselves, we can come in at the appropriate time and help your restore your countries. So please do not get downhearted or despair over the "mess" that many years of wars have left some countries in. We are here to help you, and clear the pathway to a wonderful Golden future.

Thank you SaLuSa,

Mike Quinsey 

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